In honor of the Oscars, I've decided to do movie reviews this week. To be clear these movies will never see the inside of an Oscar ballot, but that doesn't mean they aren't great fun.
This year all the Oscar movies seem so...bleak. I have been steadfastly avoiding them. Instead I've been spending my money seeing light hearted, sometimes groaningly awful movies that are pure fun.
I'll begin with INKHEART. I am a fan of Brandon Frasier and went to see this movie just so I could post his picture on my blog. I was a little nervous after seeing JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH in three D (Sad movie) but went anyway for an afternoon of popcorn and Brandon. Now in all fairness I have to say I never read the book. I didn't even know there was a book series-my apologies to the author. Inkheart is a cunning tale about human beings with the ability to bring book characters to life when reading out loud. Very cool idea for a writer. The movie is a kid's fantasy with great characters played by fantastic actors. I was surprised to have a wonderful time and would purchase the DVD. As a warning to parents- the Ash Monster is quite scary. I wouldn't let children under the age of 9 view the movie.

The next movie is HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. Again, I didn't read the book, although I knew of this one. From what I understand the movie doesn't follow the book very closely. It, too, had some wonderful actors- Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connley, Drew Barrymore, etc. Unfortunately the female characters stumble through disastrous personal relationships looking for men who will agree to
stay with them and build the lives they think they want. Meanwhile the men are merely looking for "hot" females to hook up with. Kind of makes human relationships look sad. Not a good date movie. See it with friends.

The final movie-CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC. Again, a book series I didn't read. (I am a sad, sad excuse for a book person, aren't I? Perhaps I should visit a bookstore-or the library. Sigh. I'm too busy writing them to read them.) This series popped up after Bridget Jones. Sadly this movie is about two years, too late. It no longer seems relevant. The heroine is not bright, and addicted to spending money she doesn't have-but according to the premise-as long as you're well dressed and vivacious you can stun the world, get the rich guy and succeed at the highest level. Read- wear Prada and the world will be at your feet. Ugh! It's supposed to be funny- in a Lucille Ball sort of way, but in today's economy where it takes upwards of two years for well qualified people to find work, and credit is nonexistent it reads wrong. I have no sympathy for the heroine and hated to see her succeed thinking someone, somewhere, will think this farce could actually happen. Such a waste of good talent.
Those are my movie reviews for this month. I'm off to the bookstore since I'm clearly in need of a good book. cheers!