It's a great exercise. To hold yourself accountable at the end of the year- before the holidays really start-to reach your dream.
If you can't do an entire month of pure writing, you can always try book-in-a-week. Don't let the name scare you- most people don't complete an entire book in one week, but the point is to write your story every spare moment you have for seven days in a row with an eye toward finishing an entire rough draft.
By pushing yourself to put words to paper, you are forced to bypass the evil editor who sits on your shoulder and tells you that that page isn't right, that sentence could be better and causes the story to stop while you repair, repair, repair, thus preventing you from finishing. Finishing is the first key to a successful career. It is surprising how many people don't finish a work in progress.
So take this month of November- whether you attempt nanowrimo or book-in-a-week- to set a goal to finish your wip. Tell yourself it is a rough draft. It does not have to be perfect. The whole point is to finish and type the words, "the end."
I believe you can do it! I'll do my best to encourage you this month and come December 1st, we'll celebrate our successes. Now go....write...and good luck!
Are you doing NANOWRIMO as well ass your masters? :O
I'm unofficially taking part in this - I've set myself a target of 1000 words a day (=30 000 in a month), with the more important goal of just writing every day, no matter what. I'll see how I go and maybe next year I'll be brave enough to actually do NANAWRMO.
GOOD LUCK to all those brave souls who started today!! :)
I think it's a pretty cool thing. Maybe someday I can do it... :-)
Hi Ann, oh, no, no Nanowrimo for me this year. I have six completed projects I need to sell... I fear one or two will simply end up in a drawer. I wanted to encourage everyone to write this month whether you do nano or not. Your goal is fabulous!! Please check once a week and let me know how you're doing...
Hi Jessica, Thanks for stopping by. You do plenty. So together we'll cheer everyone on this year!
Wuss ;)
I'll do it. First time I've been in the position to do so, just at the start of a project as opposed to revising. Plus I have 13K to write before I see y'all on Sunday. Might as well call it NaNo!
I'm not officially doing it, but I'm unofficially supposed to be writing A LOT more than I have been lately, so NaNo is as good an excuse as any for me, too ;).
Hey Carrie- lol- you write like a fiend anyway-
Hi Marilyn, your promo efforts amaze and astound me. I know you'll get your writing goals met. cheers~
I am so in awe of NaNoers. Your marathon analogy, however, made me realize that even if I don't participate formally, I should still set my own goals and work hard to meet them.
I'm not doing it, but am writing a lot, anyway...I know you'll encourage me through cyberspace! :)
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