1) Think about who your reader is and make sure you appeal to them specifically. Start with your title. I chose to title this blog "How to improve your odds of getting published" because it appeals to the core readers of this blog--writers. It is meant to interest my current readers and draw in new readers who are looking for writing how-to articles. The title of your book/work should reflect your knowledge of what your genre is and who your reader is and what you know they are looking for. If you don't know who your reader is, stop everything. Do some research. How? Go to the library/bookstore/online forums. Look for books like yours. Where does your book fit in your genre? Which books/authors are most like your work or the work you are thinking about writing. Look at the titles. What do they say to the audience? Read their reader reviews. Listen in to book club discussions. Do a little digging and find out what readers are saying about books like yours.
Once you have a title and some knowledge of what readers of your type of book are looking for, take a hard look at your work.
2) Does the work follow reader expectations?
Reader expectations can be a fine line. A plot or story line must be fresh (not over done) and yet meet what the reader wants/expects from a book of this type.
How do you do this? First and foremost weed out cliches. How do you know it's a cliche? When a reader who does not read the genre knows what is coming next, then you've fallen into the realm of cliche. Example: if two guys who don't read romance know that that guy the heroine just attacked is going to turn out to be her new boss or coworker or love interest, then you've stepped into a cliche. If you can't identify a cliche on your own or you are uncertain, wrangle your own non-genre readers into looking at the work and ask them if they know what is going to happen next. If they do, then you need to change the work.
It is important to surprise your reader while giving them what they expect from the genre. Example: You can't have a romance where the dog and the hero die in the end. Romance readers will never read you again if you don't provide them with a happily-ever-after ending. It's what they read romance for. It's a fine line, I know, but being able to straddle it will improve you chances of getting published.
Let me repeat that: It is important to surprise your reader while giving them what they expect from the genre.
How do you do that? Know your genre. Know your reader. How do you do that? Read as much as possible and discuss with anyone who will talk to you about books (There are a lot of people out there.) Use trial and error and hard work. Trust me a few months investing in reading and discussing and research will vastly improve your chances of getting your book published.
Good luck! Next week- Part II
Thank you so much for your tips, Nancy. I was aware of the first one and have been attempting to get a firm grasp on it, but what you said about number 2 will hlep me the most. I'm always watching shows with my hubby and he guesses the rest of the movie. The same can be said about books. Thanks again.
Hi Linda, so glad you liked the blog. I have trouble sometimes seeing cliches. Asking someone else always helps.
Another fabulous post! I really think you've nailed it when you mentioned making sure the reader is surprised while still having his/her expectations met. I've found myself most disappointed as a reader when a book has been pitched or branded one way and, from my persective, was something else upon reading it. Or, if it started out with one tone/focus in the narrative and turned into what I felt was a very different kind of story a few chapters later...
Marilyn, I've had that disappointment, too, with some books. While it was a good story, it could have been better had it met my expectations.
Have a great week!
Just wanted to drop in and say that I just downloaded "Dream Man" and sent it to my I-phone so I can read it on the plane to NOLA this week.
Really looking forward to it.
I love being surprised in a story!
I'm sorry I haven't been by. I thought I was on yesterday but don't remember seeing your post in my dashboard. I guess I'll have to make sure it's loading.
Thanks for the tips Nancy! And for the link in my comments. I'm going to link to you in a future post.
I'd never thought about the cliches, not in the way you said. I'll definitely have to try your advice.
Hi Heather, yay! I hope you enjoy DREAM MAN- keep us posted on NOLA.
Hi Jessica, thanks for stopping by. Perhaps Google reader is messing up. I do enjoy reading your blog posts.
Hi Ashley, I love how much I learn from everyone and it is nice to know I can pass on new tips as well.
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